







1. 杰出人才。取得国内外公认重大成就知名学者等,具备组织、策划重大科研计划项目的经验;对学科建设和科学研究工作有创新性构想,能够引领相关学科群保持或赶超国内领先、国际先进水平。

2. 领军人才。取得国内外公认杰出成就的知名学者等,在某一临床学科领域有较高的知名度和影响力,专业理论和诊疗技术有较高造诣,并被同行所公认的高层次专科人才;或取得国内外公认杰出成就的知名学者等,处于专业前沿并且在国内外相关领域具有较高影响力,已取得国内外同行认可的重大科研成果,具有统筹学科发展规划,带领本学科保持和赶超国内先进水平的能力。

3. 学科方向带头人。在本学科领域取得重要的代表性成果,并具有一定的学术影响力,对学科建设和学术研究工作有创新性构想,是所在学科领域的一流学者等;或在某一临床学科具有较高学术和技能,能创造性地开展工作和独立解决本专业较复杂疑难的技术问题的高级技术人才;或在海外知名高校、科研机构担任相当于副教授以上专业技术职务,在学科领域方面取得突出学术成果,达到国内一流学科方向带头人水平的优秀人才。

4. 优秀青年人才。具有海内外高校、科研机构两年以上的博士后或相关研究工作经历的青年人才,同时应具有国际化的学术视野、较强的科研能力并已经取得较好的科研成果,在本专业重要刊物上发表具影响力的论文,具有良好发展潜力。








1. 详细个人简历:自本科开始至申请之日连续的学习、工作简历,发表的论文论著目录以及不多于5篇代表作,主要医疗、教学、科研成绩,承担的科研项目、专利及获奖情况等;

2. 未来研究计划;

3. 2名可供咨询的推荐专家。


电  话:+86-791-88693321

邮  箱:ndyfy2021@outlook.com



The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University  (http://www.cdyfy.com/) is a comprehensive hospital integrating medical service, medical education, scientific research, preventive care and rehabilitation. Founded in 1939, which has a 80-year cultural heritage, it has expanded into a modern and large-scale hospital providing a suite of comprehensive clinical specialties, competent faculties, advanced medical technologies and scientific research, and it is one of the first grade A tertiary hospitals in China. Since 2014, the hospital has been selected consecutively in the China’s Hospital Rankings collated by the Hospital Management Institute, Fudan University; and in 2019 it was ranked 69th in the top 100 hospitals in China in Ailibi’s ranking, the only hospital selected in Jiangxi Province.

The hospital is composed of Donghu campus and Xianghu campus. The former covers an area of 18 acres with 2900 beds, and the latter covers an area of 82 acres with 3299 beds. Currently, there are 8 “national key clinical specialties” and 1 “national clinical center”in the hospital.

While meeting the need of health care, the hospital produces outstanding research outputs across all disciplines. With 41 scientific research platforms, the hospital has won three national science and technology awards as the first institute and three Second Prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Awards as a cooperator.  

The hospital is the national demonstration center for clinical teaching and training, the national demonstration base for SP teaching, the national off-campus practice teaching base for university students, the teaching base for the wound repair project of the Capacity Building and Continuing Education Center of the National Health Commission, the national faculty training center for clinical pharmacists, and the national clinical pharmacist training base.

Having attracting renowned excellent doctors and talents, the hospital has a strong emphasis and commitment towards “multi-group network”. Through close health care alliances, specialty unions and telemedicine etc., the hospital is seeking to build a comprehensive and integrated medical service system leading in Jiangxi province and also covering the East China.

Position requirements

(i) Categories

1. Excellent talents. Renowned scholars having made significant achievements recognized widely, with experience in organizing and planning major scientific research projects; having innovative ideas for discipline construction and scientific research; capable of leading related discipline groups to maintain a leading position in China and reach internationally advanced level.

1.Leading talents. Well-known scholars having made outstanding achievements recognized widely; at the forefront of the related fields nationally; having great scientific research outputs recognized by peers at home and abroad; capable of coordinating the development of the related discipline to maintain or reach a leading position in China.

2.Discipline leaders. Having a title of or above associate professor in famous foreign universities or scientific research institutions; having produced great scientific research outputs in the related fields; capable of leading the related discipline to the top level in China.

3.Outstanding young talents. Having over two years of postdoctoral or related research experience in universities or scientific research institutions at home and abroad; having internationally academic visions and strong scientific research ability; having great findings and published influential articles in important journals in the field; Possessing good potential.

 (ii) Basic requirements

1. Age: no age limit for excellent talents; 57 years old at most for leading talents, in principle; 50 years old at most for discipline leaders, in principle; 40 years old at most for outstanding young talents, in principle;

2. The main recruitment fields include, but are not limited to traditional disciplines related to medical and life sciences, such as clinical medicine and basic medicine; basic research of emerging interdisciplines; medical big data-based artificial intelligence, cutting-edge research and translational research etc.


The remuneration can be negotiable for the right candidate. The house purchase subsidies, settling-in allowance and start-up funding for scientific research is negotiable specifically in person.

Application materials and methods

Should you be interested, please send the materials as indicated below to the Office of High-Level Talents of The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University. We will keep the personal information strictly confidential.

1. Resume: Continuous education and work experience from the beginning of the undergraduate education to date; a catalogue of published papers and no more than 5 representative works; major achievements of medical care, teaching, scientific research; scientific research projects undertaken, patents and awards, etc.

2. Future research plans;

3. 1-2 referring experts for consultation.

Contact: Liu, Office of High-Level Talents

Tel.: +86-791-88693321

E-mail: ndyfy2021@outlook.com
