Welcome to the 7th Jiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents
December 27-29, 2019
Introduction to the University and the Forum
Jiangsu University is a key comprehensive university founded in August 2001 by merging the former Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang Medical College and Zhenjiang Teachers’ College with the approval of the Ministry of Education. It is jointly supported by Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, ranked among the first batch of Jiangsu High-level Universities under construction, holds the honorary title of National Outstanding University in aspect of Undergraduate Teaching, and is ranked among the first 50 Sample Universities in China for High Employment of Graduates, one of the first National Sample Universities for innovation and entrepreneurship, and the first Pilot Universities with quality accreditation for international students education in China.
学校办学水平较高,拥有一批高水平学科。工程学、材料科学、临床医学、化学、农业科学、药理学与毒理学6个学科进入ESI排名全球前1%,ESI综合排名列全国第51位。拥有2个国家重点学科,1个国家重点(培育)学科,10个江苏高校优势学科,7个江苏省“十三五”一级重点学科,2个江苏省“十三五”一级重点(培育)学科。拥有14个一级学科博士点,44个一级学科硕士点,20个硕士专业学位类别,25个工程硕士授权领域。设有13个博士后科研流动站。THE、QS国际权威世界大学排名,学校均跻身top1000,《2019软科世界大学学术排名》,学校排名全球前500强,列内地高校第45 位。《2019中国大学评价》,学校综合排名列全国第41位。
Jiangsu University boasts a first-rate teaching level and a batch of high-level disciplines. Its engineering, materials science, clinical medicine, chemistry, agriculture science and pharmacology & toxicology are ranked in the top 1% of the global ESI discipline rankings, coming out 51st in the comprehensive ESI rankings in mainland China. It has 2 national key disciplines, 1 national key discipline (under cultivation), 10 priority disciplines of Jiangsu colleges and universities, and 7 Jiangsu key first-level disciplines under “the 13th Five-year Plan” and 2 Jiangsu key first-level disciplines (under cultivation) under “the 13th Five-year Plan”. The University offers 14 primary doctoral disciplines, 44 primary master disciplines, and 20 categories of specific master programs, and ME programs in 25 authorized research fields. It sets up 13 post-doctoral research stations. Jiangsu University enters Top 1000 in internationally reputed rankings such as THE, QS ,and ranks among the top 500 in the world, coming out 45th in China's Mainland on the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) .Last but not least, it comes out 41th on the 2019 Comprehensive China University Rankings.
Jiangsu University now employs more than 2,600 full-time teachers, featuring a high-level talent team comprising Distinguished Academicians, as well as experts and scholars sponsored respectively by “Changjiang Scholars Program”, and “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”. Currently we have more than 37,600 students, comprising more than 23,000 undergraduates, more than 12,000 graduates and nearly 2,000 international academic students.
The 7th Jiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents is aimed at creating a platform for the excellent overseas talents to carry out academic exchanges via lectures, seminars and recruitment negotiations, to promote the cooperation of interdisciplinary research, to recruit talents that will help attain the University’s objective of building a high-level, research-led university with distinctive features in engineering and internationalization strategy, and to comprehensively advance the University’s effort to be ranked among the National “Double First-class” Universities and among Jiangsu High-level Universities.
December 27: Register and check-in
December 28: Lectures and academic exchanges
December 29: Recruitment negotiations and signing agreements of intent
An outstanding overseas PhD/postdoctoral research fellow (with priority to an applicant from Top 200 colleges & universities in the world), or an assistant professor (or the equivalent) or above in a renowned overseas college or university.
An applicant shall fill in Registration Form of 7th Jiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents and Summary Sheet of the 7th Jiangsu University Forum for High-level Overseas Talents, which will be submitted to a related school that will arrange for an interview assessment, and those passing the assessment shall be submitted in a summary form to the Human Resources Office of Jiangsu University. Those applicants passing the final review of the University will receive an official letter of invitation to the Forum.
Application procedures: An applicant files the application to a related school→The related school arranges for an interview assessment and submits the information of the applicants passing the assessment to the Human Resources Office→The University appoints a reviewing committee to decide on the final applicants→Sending a letter of invitation.
Deadline for application: November 30, 2019(first round); December 10, 2019(second round).
Supporting Policies
1.Travel reimbursement: The University will provide the invited talents with the accommodation of the forum duration and reimbursement for related travel expenses that cover round-trip air tickets (economy class) they have booked themselves. The maximum sum of reimbursement is: RMB 14,000/person for talents from Europe, America and neighboring areas, RMB 10,000/person for talents from Asian countries, and RMB 5,000/person for talents from China’s Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan.
2. A recruited innovative and entrepreneurial talent shall be given prioritized recommendation in applying for Jiangsu Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents Recruitment Project. Who may be offered an innovative and entrepreneurial grant of RMB 500,000, RMB 1,000,000, RMB 3,000,000 or RMB 5,000,000, respectively. A recruited innovative and entrepreneurial team shall be offered a talent grant totaling from RMB 3,000,000 to RMB 8,000,000 within three years by the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province. A recruited innovative and entrepreneurial PhD shall be offered an innovative and entrepreneurial grant totaling RMB 150,000 within two years by the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province.
3. A recruited talent shall be given prioritized recommendation in applying for the title of Jiangsu Distinguished Professors. The winner of which shall be granted a job subsidy of RMB120,000 (exempted from individual income tax) each year within three years by the Finance Department of Jiangsu Province. A talent of natural sciences shall be granted a research fund of RMB1,000,000 (The grant may be as high as RMB2,000,000 for an exceptional talent), and a talent of social sciences shall be given a research fund of RMB 500,000.
4. A recruited talent shall be given prioritized recommendation in applying for the University-Local Government Cooperation Project funded by Zhenjiang City and Jinshan Talents Program.
Preferential Policies & Treatment for Overseas Talents
In order to attain the strategic objective of “building high-level, research-led university with distinctive features in engineering and internationalization strategy”, Jiangsu University put forwards Jinshan Scholars Program. The treatment for overseas talents is as follows:
1. A foreign academician of a developed country.
(1) We have special support and a case-by-case arrangement for the recruitment of talents of this category.
(2) Housing: We will provide a detached villa about 300 square meters and a family allowance of RMB 1,000,000.
2. A (tenured) professor or equivalent of an overseas college or university ranking Top 300 internationally; or a (tenured) associate professor or an equivalent of an overseas college or university ranking Top 200 internationally. The recruited talents shall be in principle under 50 years of age. A talent much needed for the discipline development of the University may be under 55 years of age.
(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB 750,000-850,000.
(2) Housing: A house about 130 square meters with property right, or a housing subsidy of RMB 1,300,000.
(3) Research Funds: More than RMB 5,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB 1,200,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences.
3. A (tenured) associate professor or above or an equivalent of an overseas college or university or a research institute ranking Top 300 internationally. The recruited talents shall be in principle under 45 years of age.
(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB 600,000-700,000.
(2) Housing: A house about 120 square meters with property right, or a housing subsidy of RMB 1,100,000.
(3) Research Funds: More than RMB 3,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or more than RMB 800,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences.
4. An assistant professor or above or an equivalent of an overseas college or university or a research institute ranking Top 300 internationally with 3 years of overseas research work experiences. The recruited talents shall be in principle under 40 years of age.
(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB 350,000-450,000.
(2) Housing: A housing subsidy of RMB 900,000.
(3) Research Funds: RMB 1,000,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or RMB 400,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences.
5. A PhD of an overseas college or university or a research institute ranking Top 300 internationally, or a talent who (has) worked for more than 3 years in an overseas postdoctoral research station; or a talent who has published a number of papers in his or her own academic field in top international periodicals and has achieved a landmark achievement in his or her own discipline. The recruited talents shall be in principle under 35 years of age.
(1) Salary: A full-time annual salary of RMB250,000-300,000.
(2) Housing: A housing subsidy of RMB500,000.
(3) Research Funds: RMB400,000 for a talent of natural sciences, or RMB150,000 for a talent of humanities or social sciences.
The world rankings above are any of the latest rankings of Times, USNEWS, QS and ARWU.
Contact Info
Contacts of the University’s Human Resources Office: Long (Surname) & Cai (Surname)
Tel: 0086-511-88789658
Email: hr@ujs.edu.cn
Recruitment website: http://rcb.ujs.edu.cn