近年来,学校综合实力、核心竞争力和社会影响力逐年提升,自2011年以来已连续12年在多个有影响力的大学排行中位居全国百强。在2022年中国科学评价研究中心发布的排名中位列全国高校第78位;在US News 2022全球最好大学榜单中位居全球696位,内地65位,全国师范院校第4位;泰晤士高等教育2022世界大学排名中居全国高校第34名、全球前600名。
1. 优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)的申请人应当具备以下条件:
2. 限项要求
1. 资助强度:100-300万元;
2. 资助期限:3年;
1. 除国家和省级支持政策外,金华市、婺城区累计人才专项补贴150万;
2. 市区两级提供150万购房补贴,或90平方购房面积补助;或婺城区免费提供人才公寓住宿;
3. 人才子女学前、义务教育阶段享受金华大市范围内择校;
1. 直接聘任为正高级专业技术职务,聘任为“杰出教授”,享受“杰出教授”相应待遇,配备科研助手;
2. 在工作条件和团队建设方面给予大力支持,给与团队3-5名引人指标;
3. 增列为博士生导师和博士后合作导师;确保每年2名硕士生和1名博士生招生指标;全职博士后指标不限,特殊类型博士后或者企业博士后指标每年不少于1名;
4. 提供80万年薪、在国家提供的科研经费基础上另提供200-300万科研启动经费;
5. 提供260万安家补助,以及60-110平方人才过渡房;
1. 协助解决配偶工作;
2. 学校提供师大附属幼儿园、附属小学、附属中学等优质的基础教育资源;
3. 学校配备办公用房、实验室等教学科研条件;
4. 对于进入会评阶段但未入选人员,按校“双龙学者”特聘教授引进,享受相应待遇。
1. 有意向者请将个人简历发送至人事处人才科和科技处联系人邮箱。邮件名称请备注“申报海外优青”,与浙师大达成申报意向后,科技处将指导后续申报工作;
2. 简历应包含个人基本信息,联系方式,学习和工作经历,主要学术成果(论文、项目、专利和获奖情况等)。
(2) 人事处人才科联系人 姜老师
邮 箱:zhaopin@zjnu.edu.cn
(3) 科技处联系人 胡老师
邮 箱:249514287@qq.com
Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU) welcomes overseas outstanding young scientists to join us!
Appointment to distinguished professor/Benefits package of 6,600,000 RMB/Annual salary of 800,000 RMB
Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU) is a comprehensive provincial key university featuring teacher education, formerly known as Hangzhou Normal College. It was granted accreditation by the Ministry of Education of China on April 16, 1956. ZJNU has 4 campuses including Jinhua Campus (the main campus), Hangzhou Xiaoshan Campus, Hangzhou West Lake Campus, and Lanxi Campus, consisting of 24 colleges (including one independent college). The university is home to excellent faculty resources, including 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5 part-time academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 8 overseas academicians, nearly 80 national experts such as Changjiang Scholars, and nearly 120 provincial experts.
ZJNU has a full range of disciplines. It currently offers 70 undergraduate majors, including 34 national first-class majors and 13 provincial first-class majors. It offers 11 doctoral programs on Level-I subjects, 1 professional doctoral program, 30 master’s programs on Level-I subjects, and 16 professional master’s programs. It has 7 postdoctoral research stations and 2 expert recruitment centers for discipline innovation under “Project 111”. Its 6 disciplines of mathematics, chemistry, engineering, materials science, environment/ecology, and computer science are in the top 1% of the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ranking. Its 20 disciplines are listed as the top disciplines of Zhejiang Province. ZJNU has 28 national top courses and 4 national exemplary experimental teaching centers.
With increasing comprehensive strength, core competencies and influence, ZJNU has been ranked among the top 100 Chinese universities in credible university rankings for 12 consecutive years since 2011. According to the Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation 2022, it ranks 78th in Chinese universities. According to US News Rankings 2022, it ranks 4th in Chinese normal universities, 65th in China’s mainland universities, and 696th in the world university ranking. According to Times Higher Education Rankings 2022, it ranks 34th in Chinese universities and top 600th in the world university ranking.
I. Program Description
With the goals of enhancing the science funding system, fully utilizing the science fund’s talent recruitment capabilities, and attracting overseas outstanding young scientists to work in China’s mainland, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) will continue to facilitate the Research Fund for Overseas Excellent Young Scientists in 2023.
The Research Fund for Overseas Excellent Young Scientists aims to recruit overseas outstanding young scientists (including non-Chinese descendants), who excel in natural science and engineering to work in China and conduct innovative research in areas of their own choosing. The Fund’s goals are to support young scientists in their professional development, nurture outstanding academic leaders who are anticipated to push global science and technology boundaries, and support the development of China’s scientific and technological capabilities.
II. Application Requirements
1. Applicants for the Research Fund for Overseas Excellent Young Scientists are required to meet the following qualifications:
1) Compliance with Chinese laws and regulations; scientific ethics and integrity in all stages of scientific practice;
2) Age limit: below the age by January 1, 1983;
3) Academic credentials: doctoral degree(s);
4) Research areas: natural science, engineering, etc.;
5) Up until March 15, 2023, the candidate who has earned a doctoral degree should have worked for at least 36 months continuously and held a formal teaching or scientific research position in an overseas university, research institution, or R&D company. If the candidate obtained a doctoral degree overseas with exceptional research achievements, the work experience may be relaxed;
6) Research achievement with peer recognition, and the potential to become an academic leader or an outstanding scientist;
7) The candidate neither does have a full-time job on China’s mainland nor began working in China’s mainland before January 1, 2022. After being notified of the grant of funding, the candidate shall terminate employment abroad and start to work full-time on China’s mainland for at least three years.
2. Program application restrictions
The fund program complies with national policies and regulations on science and technology talent programs. The candidate can only undertake one national science and technology talent program at the same level. Those who are currently receiving funding from a national science and technology talent program at the same level, or those who have already received funding from national science and technology program(s) of a higher level, cannot apply for the Research Fund for Overseas Excellent Young Scientists.
III. Incentive policies
1. National incentive policies
1) Incentive funding: 1-3 million RMB
2) Funding period: 3 years
2. Provincial/Municipal/District incentive policies
1) Besides the monetary incentive by the China and Zhejiang Province, monetary incentive by Jinhua City and Wucheng District: 1.5 million RMB;
2) Housing benefit: Jinhua City and Wucheng District provide 1.5 million RMB monetary incentives for home purchases, or a waiver of the purchase of 90 square meters of housing; or Wucheng District offers free talent housing;
3) Child education support: a wide range of schools to choose from in Jinhua City for preschool and compulsory education.
3. ZJNU incentive policies
1) Appointments to senior academic titles as “Distinguished Professor”; entitlement to commensurate salary compensation; research assistants;
2) Support from ZJNU for better work conditions and research team building. There is a 3-5 job quota for each research team;
3) Recognized as a Ph.D. supervisor and postdoctoral supervisor; an annual enrollment cap of two master’s students and one Ph.D. student; no restriction on hiring full-time postdocs; an annual cap of at least one postdoc for other postdoctoral classifications.
4) ZJNU offers an annual salary of 800,000 RMB and 2-3 million RMB start-up funding in addition to the research fund provided by the state;
5) ZJNU offers a 2.6 million compensation for settlement and 60-110 square meters of transitional housing.
4. Other benefits packages
1) Spouse Employment Support;
2) Quality resources for basic education: access to affiliated kindergarten, as well as elementary and secondary schools;
3) Offices, labs, and other facilities for teaching and research;
4) If candidates enter the final screening round but cannot get selected for the project, ZJNU will recruit them as the “Shuanglong Scholar” Distinguished Professor with commensurate salary compensation.
IV. Application Process
1. Candidates are required to submit their CVs to the email address of the Office of HR Services for Scholars and Researchers as well as the Administrative Office of Science and Technology. Please specify “Application for the Research Fund for Overseas Excellent Young Scientists” in the subject line. After the declaration of intent has been communicated to ZJNU, the Administrative Office of Science and Technology will assist with the follow-up procedures.
2. The CV should include basic information, contact information, education and work experience, and research achievements (publications, projects, patents, awards, etc.).
3. Contact
1) Contact person of Colleges/Institutes
2) Contact person: Teacher Jiang, Office of HR Services for Scholars and Researchers
Tel: 86-579-82282441
E-mail: zhaopin@zjnu.edu.cn
3) Contact person: Teacher Hu, Administrative Office of Science and Technology
Tel: 86-579-82282542
E-mail: 249514287@qq.com